privacy notice

A privacy policy is a document that sets out how we collect, use and protect personal information provided when you use our website. This Privacy Policy is intended to inform users of the types of information collected, how it is used, shared and protected.

Here are some points that may be included in the privacy policy of a website selling electrical appliances in Egypt:

  1. 1. Type of information collected: You must clarify the types of information collected on the site, such as name, address, email address, phone number, payment information, and whether credit card information is held or processed.
  2. 2. Use of information: You must explain how the collected information will be used, such as facilitating purchases, payments, and product delivery, improving the user experience, providing personalized services, and communicating with users about offers and updates.
  3. 3. Information sharing: It should be made clear whether personal information will be shared with third parties, such as shipping partners or payment processing banks, and what measures are being taken to protect the information shared.
  4. 4. Information protection: Measures taken to protect personal information must be explained, such as the use of encryption technologies, limited access to information, and application of security measures.