Shipping & returns

  • It is Allowed to refund or exchange the product within 14 days from purchasing date in case the product is not used, in its original condition and not opened.
  • It is Allowed to refund or exchange the product within 30 days from purchasing date in case a clear defect existed due to manufacturing defect according to Article 13 from the executive regulations of consumer protection law No. 181 of 2018
  • In case paying through visa the money will be back the same way through bank
  • Vouchers are not exchangeable for cash
  • Products that can be opened once are not allowed to be returned such as batteries and cables unless there is a manufacturing defect within 30 days from purchasing date.
  • Computer software and digital cameras are not allowed to be returned
  • Devices such as (speakers and headphones) are not allowed to be returned unless there is a manufacturing defect within 30 days from purchasing date.